

Strong Strap

Here are our expertly curated answers to problems you might encounter when using the Strong Strap lid lock for outdoor trash cans.

For premiere service, please email with a photo of your trash can and a description of the problem you are having.

My trash can is too big.

Fact: Strong Strap works on most 32-96 gallon trash cans.

Steps you can take:

  1. Make sure the strap is looped tightly around the handle of your trash can.
  2. Make sure the anchor is installed as high up as possible on your trash can.

Please note: The first stretch is the hardest, get the Strong Strap set in place and it should be easier to stretch later.

If you’re still having trouble, please email with a photo of your trash can and say “HELP! MY CAN IS TOO BIG”

My trash can is too small.

Fact: Strong Strap works on most 32-96 gallon trash cans.

Steps you can take:

  1. Double loop the Strong Strap around the handle of your trash can.

If you’re still having trouble, please email with a photo of your trash can and say “HELP! MY CAN IS TOO SMALL”

I don't know how to install this on my trash can.

Please visit Blazer Brand’s Strong Strap Digital Installation Guide. In the guide, you’ll find videos, step-by-step guides, and a wealth of useful tips and tricks.

If you’re still having trouble, please send a photo of your trash can to and we’ll tell you how we would go about installation.

It's too hard to stretch the strap.

The Strong Strap is a simple solution. Still, there is a technique for using it that makes it easy and effective. Check out this video on how to stretch a Strong Strap!

Select individuals may be unable to use a Strong Strap. If you are elderly or disabled and bought a Strong Strap, please contact Blazer Brand directly by emailing

One of the parts is broken.

If you bought your Strong Strap less than one year ago, then your parts are under warranty. Please send an email to with a picture of your broken part, a proof of purchase, and your complete shipping address. We’ll have a replacement part shipped to you ASAP.

If you have owned your Strong Strap for more than one year. Please visit our online store to shop for individual replacement parts at a fraction of the cost of a new kit.

Animals got into my trash can.

First, we’re sorry to hear you are having this problem. Let’s get right down to business on what you need to do.

Steps to take:

  1. Make sure you are stretching the Strong Strap a full six (6) inches from its resting position when locking.
  2. Make sure the anchor component is installed as high up on the front of your trash can as possible.
  3. Strong Straps work best on a trash can built with hard plastic or metal that is hard to bend.

These are some basic steps you can take to solve the problem immediately. If this doesn’t solve your problem, then the next steps depend upon the animal breaking into your trash.

We recommend exploring our garbage can pest prevention guide for additional guidance on how to mitigate each type of pest.

Finally, if you are still having trouble. Please send an email to and include the phrase “HELP! Animals are still getting into my trash”
