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Have you ever taken out your trash/recycling only to find there is no space left in the can?  What do you do with the overflow? Here are three strong tips for fitting more waste into one single cart.

Tip 1

Break Down Cardboard

Bulky boxes take up a lot of room in your container when they aren’t broken down.  If you do it right, you can save a ton of space!

  • Cut/remove the tape and flatten the box
  • For larger boxes, use a box cutter to break it down into manageable pieces

Tip 2

Don’t Use Bags (Recycling)

Plastic bags are wrong, bagless recylables are strong. Fit more in the bin.

Similar to boxes, bags stop recylables from spreading out and taking up all of the available space.  So ditch ’em.

Note:  This works best for recycling because plastic bags shouldn’t be placed in most curbside collection containers regardless.  If you’re throwing away trash, then keep using a bag to seal in those garbage juices.

Tip 3

Use a Strong Strap

Finally, a Strong Strap shuts the lid when your bin is starting to overflow.  Stretch and latch the strap, then press down on the lid.  The lid won’t pop back up when you press down with the strap locked in position.

  • Fit 1-3 more bags of trash/recycling
  • Fit 2-8 more cardboard boxes
  • Compress loose recyclables

Avoid overflow fees, ugly cans, and litter by applying the three steps above to your weekly routine.  Find out more about Blazer Brand and our EarthStrong mission by exploring our website, following us on Twitter and Instagram, or finding our videos on YouTube.

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